Sunday, February 8, 2009

Human cloning has been researched for some time now but recently developments have brought scientists one step closer. They have put adult human DNA into animal eggs in which sends the DNA back to a embryonic state. This would create a days old ball of cells which scientists can extract stem cells to help treat diabetes, spinal cord injury, Parkinson's disease and other such ailments. If the DNA came from the patient the stem cells would be a genetically perfect match, eliminating the risk of the patients immune system rejecting the stem cells. The reason scientists use animal eggs and not human eggs is because human eggs are very difficult to acquire, there are not many willing participants. When the scientists use human eggs they found that they could produce an embryonic state that would not just become a ball of cells but rather continue forming into that of an embryo that could  produce a baby. This means that if the study hold up it will be very likely that there will be no technical obstacles to reproductive cloning. The creation of human clones. I don't know exactly what the advantage of human clones would be. I think the stem cell research is very important because it can help with diseases and humans with genetic problems. I don't think that we need to clone people, we already have couples who take care of that for us. There may be advantages to cloning such as producing desirable attributes. I personally do not think we need to clone people. I do like the fact that we have the technology and science to do so if at some point we need to clone people. Once cloning is possible and performed I believe it should not be pursued further.

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